Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Mommy’s Almost Perfect Day

Yesterday was my off-day. And it almost turned to be a perfect day. It begun with you woke up smiling, get dressed without a fuss and we even have 15 minutes to watch Sponge Bob together while you were drinking your milk (how I wish this can happen everyday). Then you told me that you don’t want to arrive too early at school because then your friends weren’t there yet.

After you left, followed by your dad, I have my own time: reading Jostein Gaarder’s The Orange Girl on granpa’s rocking chair, while sipping tea and listening to January Christie’s jazzy voice. I could also hear the birds chirping just outside the window, while the cool morning breeze gently touched my skin. What a beautiful morning! At 10 am, I went to the bank and finished my errands just in time to pick you up from school. You always looked so happy when I stand there at the gate waiting for you. As planned, we then went to Gramedia bookstore to buy colorful pens and had lunch at HokBen where we met Annisa and Bea. It was fun.

In the afternoon, while you were having your swimming lesson, I went for a foot reflexology at Ka-ki-ku (literally means my foot). It was my first visit there and found it to be extra nice and comforting. Not like the noisy salons, this place was very serene, dimly lit with some jazz oldies to soothe you. And it’s not only for foot, because the masseuse also gave me a back massage and complete the service by offering a cup of hot ginger tea. It was just right. I like this place and will certainly come back.

Going back home, we cooked cheese omelet for your dinner and together we did your homework. It was a fun day for us and it almost turned to be a perfect day for me. Unfortunately, you got too sleepy. You refused to change into your pajamas and I end up putting off the light and TV without your consent. You were mad at me and I was mad at you. Oh, how I wish we had ended that day with me telling you a story until you fall asleep. That would be a wonderful way to end a perfect day. But like they say, nothing is perfect, right?

(Written on September 1, 2006)

Picture from here

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