Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Client-PR Consultant Conversation

This afternoon, you managed to build up a three stack cards. You were so thrilled, and I hurriedly took a shot of it so that you can show it to your dad later on. And then, we had this funny conversation:

You: Mama, can you arrange so that the picture would appear in the newspaper?
Me: Why would you want that?
You: So that people would know that I managed to make it
Me: Yeah, but why would the papers be interested to publish it?
You: Becoz it’s not an easy job to do, and I can do it
Me: Yeah, but there are a lot of things happening out there, and there are many things that are much more important to be published. You know that the papers have only limited space….

Hahaha, I felt like I was talking to a client. Don’t worry hon, I’m publishing it in our blog. So hopefully, people would know……


Anonymous said...

great job son... :)

ممتـــــــــاز يا ولدي

Anonymous said...

Thank you...., and thanks for visiting this blog