Sunday, June 10, 2007

First Grade, Second Semester

You have just finished your second semester evaluation test last week, and thank God, you have done very well. Here’s the result of your test:

Pendidikan Agama Islam: 9.2
PKN: 9.5
IPA: 9.3
Bahasa Indonesia: 9.3
IPS: 8
Bahasa Inggris: 8.8
Matematika: 9.8

And following are some of your answers to the test that I found it quite amusing:

The Question: Apa akibatnya bila tidak ada tata tertib
Your Answer: Hidup akan berantakan

The Question: Mengapa malam hari udara terasa lebih dingin daripada siang hari?
Your Answer: Karena siang hari panas banget

The Question: Mengapa bola lebih mudah bergerak daripada kotak sepatu?
Your Answer: Karena kotak sepatu itu kotak

The Question: Buatlah kalimat sesuai gambar di samping (a picture of a kid singing)
Your Answer: Rudi bernyanyi di rumah dikasih tau ke anggota keluarganya supaya keluarganya senang

I'm actually quite surprised on how the school structure the questions. I feel that some of the questions are not supposed to be for children your age. But what do you know, you can answer it anyway. I guess kids nowadays are way smarter than what they used to be.

And I'm so proud of you.

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