Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Moving House

Finally, after 7 months of construction, our new house is ready for us to move in.

Though very excited about it, I think we are going to miss the house where we live now, the place where you grew from a healthy toddler to a smart, sporty kid. The place where you learned to take you own bath, ride a bicycle and tie your shoe lashes.

My favorite part of our current house is, naturally, the bedroom, where we shared hours and hours of laughter and silly talk. We play card, work on a puzzle and share the best laughter by just playing ‘throw and catch’.

I let you do whatever you’d like to do in there, cause I believe, you have to let out all the creativity inside of you and being cheered for it (though it made the room totally messy!). I let you pin your drawings and artworks on the wall and put ‘some’ of your toys and stuff that take up almost half of the room.

The room is like a little sanctuary for us. You make your ‘inventions’ while I browse the net, you do your homework while I read. And when you have a busy day, we spend the evening quietly watching your favorite TV series, while I hug you to your sleep (or sometimes you hug me to my sleep).

Well, not all are happy memories in there. There were also times when you were teary because I made you take a bath or have that last spoon of your dinner. Gosh, I’m so sorry for making such a fuss over such an unimportant thing.

Thank you, God, for our new house, our new home, where you are going to grow to be a cool, witty teenager, before turning into a wise, handsome young man.


Anonymous said...

Yeah ... we will surely miss the old house.

Eva.M said...

Cliche as it may seem, home is where the heart is. And it looks like you are taking it with you, in the old house and the new.

New house. Old home. Enjoy.