Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Oreo Milkshakesaurus

Last Sunday afternoon, we both were in the bedroom, not really knowing how to spend the day. It was a hot, quiet afternoon. Then suddenly, you showed me a recipe from your Dino Club cooking class, back in 2006. It’s the Milks Shakesaurus recipe.

So we happily went down to the pantry, and I pulled out an unopened box of Kenwood Wizard hand blender that I bought, probably three years ago (yes, three years ago, not three months…..). I was waiting for the right moment to use that cute little hand blender, and I guess that afternoon was just the right time to use it for the first time.

Fortunately, I have all the ingredients required for that recipe. First, we mixed the ultra milk with chocolate syrup and vanilla ice cream. Then we added some ice cubes, poured it into a plastic glass, and finally, put on the smashed oreo on top of it. Wow, it was so yummy and perfect for a hot afternoon. We enjoyed it while talking and playing catch by the fishpond.

I’m glad that you enjoy doing cooking stuff as much as you enjoy soccer. I’m a true believer that cooking is not just for girls. In fact, I admire guys that are good with pans and ladle. I also believe that guys who cook must have a good self-confidence. It’s also a sign that they can be a rounded person.

I really hope you will become my kind of guy, honey…. I believe you will.

Picture from here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your mom is right, son.
An ability to cook will make
you independent, and boost your self confidence.