Friday, May 09, 2008

This time, it's pancakes!

Last Sunday, once again, you showed your passion for cooking. You asked if I know how to make pancakes. Hmmm, I thought….., pancakes…., shouldn’t be difficult although I’ve never really made it. It’s just flour and eggs, right? Probably with some milk. Nevertheless, I called your grandma just to make sure that I have it right. And I have to ask mbak to buy the flour, because it’s not something that I would store in my cupboard,

To me, it was so amusing to see how much you enjoy the making process: preparing the bowl, breaking the eggs and mixing it with flour and milk. You even got messy having that white flour all over your pajamas (yes, you were so excited, that you insisted making it before you took your morning bath).

The best part, of course, is when you got to decorate the warm pancakes with chocolate sauce and chocolate rice, before slowly chomp it into your mouth. You also liked it when we tried honey on it, but refused the cheese grate like the one I was having.

Cooking together is a great way to spend a Sunday morning. So glad that you got that idea. So glad that you do not think cooking is only for girls…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do, always remember that you are a Boy who will become a Man. Do whatever is right and necessary incl. cooking. Be honest & faithful to your loved ones.