Tuesday, March 13, 2007

To Give And Not To Expect

I have written about my confusion on whether we should celebrate your birthday at school or not. Well, finally, we did that. The difference with the past years was, we did not distribute invitation to your friends. This means we didn’t have to provide goody bags, and that most possibly you would not get any presents from your friends. You were a bit worried about not getting any presents, but I assured you that you would get what you wanted from me and your dad.

The first plan was we would order McDonald’s Happy Meal and give away the toy character that goes with it. But me being me, when I saw a cute tumbler at McD, I decided that we should give away a set of tumbler and toy character to your friends. This means that we need to package it in a nice plastic party ware. And ofcourse I wouldn’t have time to look for it by myself. So I asked our driver to look for it. He bought it, but the size was too big for just a tumbler and a character. So again, me being me, I decided to add it with a sack of chips and a small carton of milk. So there you go, a nice goody bag for all your school friends!

Anyway, the lesson I want you to learn out of this is, it always feel nice to give (in this case to give away goody bags – and we also had fun while preparing it, didn’t we?). But never expect anything in return (don’t expect any presents from your friends). When you do something nice to others, never expect anything in return. Expectations can lead to disappointments, and disappointments can really hurt you.

So you see, didn’t it feel good to see all your friends having fun with the toy character that we gave them? It feels good to make others feel good, ain’t it? And that is a precious feeling that I want you to always have.

Happy 7th birthday, sweetheart…

(written on March 11, 2007 at 03.20 am)

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