Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Today, for the first time, you saw a rainbow. A beautiful long rainbow, in a mixed color sky: blue, grey, white, yellow, orange. It was really a cool sight and you were really excited.

You: I wanna go and climb the rainbow
Me: Why do you wanna go there?
You: Because there is a treasure at the end of the rainbow
Me: What kind of treasure are you expecting to find?
You: Well, I'm looking for gold and coins and ring and necklace and also some toys....
Me: And what do you wanna do with the treasure after you find them?
You: I wanna fly in a small aero plane, and from the above, I'm going to give away the treasure to the poor people....

Wow, what a noble intention you have. I hope it won't fade away even after you find out that life is not always as beautiful as the rainbow we saw today.

Do remember that the sky is even more beautiful after a storm, though the rainbow is not always there at sight. And so, when life is unkind, try to remember the good times. True treasure is always there in your heart, the beautiful memories that no one can ever take away from you.

Just like the beautiful memory of the first rainbow you saw today.

(written on march 19, 2007, 10.29 pm)

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