Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Ben 10 Watch

I’m sorry, honey, the Ben 10 watch that I promised to get you if you have good grades is sold out every where. Even Tante Shilla couldn’t get it in Singapore. Apparently it is such an “in” thing.

You have been asking for this thing since about 2 weeks ago. Some of your friends, including your best friend Rafi, already got it. And it was sooo cool you said. Just like in the TV series, with that watch you can make-believe that you transform into a super hero just by pushing the button, either to be xlr8, canon bolt, upgrade, fourarms, ghost freak, diamond head, heat blast, grey matter, stinkfly, rip jaws, wild mutt, wild fin (what strange names they have…!!!)

So I told you, I would buy it for you as a reward if you manage to have good grades in your mid semester test. And you made it! You called me on my cell when the results was announced. “Mama, I have 9.8 for math, 9.5 for English, 9.2 for Bahasa, but only 8 for science….,” you said excitedly. Well, what do you know, it is a much better result than the last mid-test. Unfortunately, the watch is sold out everywhere. I know you are so disappointed.

But honey, in life, there will be disappointments. Things will not always turn out as what we want to. And when this happen, there is nothing we can do but make the best of what we have, be grateful of what we have. Don’t loose hope though, who knows, the best is yet to come.

Just like in your case. I really want to keep my promise for getting you that Ben 10 watch. But since it is nowhere to be bought, I was thinking to buy you the Ben 10 character instead. It will cost me twice the watch……, so…., I don’t know….., I haven’t decided yet…..

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