Monday, April 16, 2007

Quality Time?

Sometimes I wonder how it feels to be the only child, with a working mother. I remember when I was little, the nicest thing when coming home from school was to find my mom busy in the kitchen preparing my lunch. Until now, I can still feel the warmth of having a hot meal each time I got home.

I can also still vividly remember the family tradition of having afternoon tea. Your grand dad was a civil servant, and he usually got home at 2 pm. So, after having his afternoon nap, we – me and my bros - all got together at the front porch, having tea and warm snacks - fried cassava or banana, or my mom’s specialty, fried lumpia – while talking about the day’s activity.

Now, how can anybody afford having that kind of family tradition nowadays? And this is what you do when you want me to come home early, you draw a picture of a wall clock, pointing at the hour you want me to get home, and ask me to sign on it.

Hmmm, I really hope that what they say about quality time is better than quantity is true.


Honey said...

Modern life is hectic enough as it is. I often address the same question and think that there is not enough hours in the day for me, hubby, and my little Asha. The best thing I can do is to juggle with everyone's needs and interest, including quality for my self and spouse.

Mom said...

@ lifeisbeautiful: Yup, and juggling for everyone's needs and interest is quite a challenge isn't it? Not to mention the guilty feeling that sometimes come when we are having a quality time for ourselves....:)